Where Elegance Meets Confidence

Image of glamor


LUEUR LAUREN INTERNATIONAL CORP. (LLIC) is a duly registered 100% Filipino owned company with SEC Registration No. CS201913854.

Our mother company is Telepreneur Corp (TPC) which is the leading company in MLM and Direct Selling Industry for 7 years in terms of network load in the country, selling billions worth of load per year. LLIC is the most promising Multi-Level-Marketing and Direct Selling Company in terms of wellness, health and beauty products in the country. Our products are created by one of the reputable and well-known manufacturing companies in South Korea.

Our Founder, Lorenzo B. Rellosa, who also founded Telepreneur Corp., manifested the idea of giving more opportunities to Filipinos through unlimited earnings, privileges, as well as being able to travel leisurely anywhere in the world. Combined with the most generous marketing and compensation plan in the market to date, Lueur Lauren will set an astonishing impact in the beauty and wellness industry.


To become a prominent and well-established international multi-level marketing company in terms of wellness, health and beauty.


To help enhance one’s beauty and develop extreme confidence through the formulation of products that are effective and healthy.

Aims to be remarkable in the growing market while giving sustainable income to its members and employees.


Customer Service, Responsibility / Commitment, Empowerment, Accessibility, Teamwork / Unity, Integrity, Quality, Leadership, Social Awareness


R. Valois St., M. Agencia St. corner Damayan (Pob.) Famy, Laguna, Phils.


4/F Lemon Square Bldg., EDSA-Muñoz, 1105 Brgy. Katipunan Quezon City, Phils.


Email: lueurlaurenofficial@gmail.com

Smart: +63 9207470942

BB Cream

Product Image

Morus Alba

Dried root bark exhibits antibacterial ingredients. Contains antioxidants that help fight harsh UV Rays, minimizes dullness, and uneven skin tone.


Combination of 7 natural plant extracts. It is composed of Centella, Tea, Chamomile, Licorice, Rosemary, Skullcap, and Japanese knotweed.

Hyaluronic Acid

Increases skin smoothness and amelioration of wrinkles. Benefits tissue repair and protection. Retains skin moisture, contributing to the anti-aging benefits of the skin.

LUEUR LAUREN INTERNATIONAL CORP. (LLIC) is a duly registered 100% Filipino owned company with SEC Registration No. CS201913854. LLIC is the most promising Multi-Level-Marketing and Direct Selling Company in terms of wellness, health, and beauty products in the country. Our products are created by one of the reputable and well-known manufacturing companies in South Korea.

Follow Us
Contact Details

Email: lueurlaurenofficial@gmail.com

Smart: +639207470942

Main Office

R. Valois St., M. Agencia St. corner Damayan (Pob.) Famy, Laguna, Phils.

Corporate Office

4/F Lemon Square Bldg., EDSA-Muñoz, 1105 Brgy. Katipunan Quezon City, Phils.